Early release tomorrow, October 3. Phelps School will have a 10:45 dismissal.
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Great job today, announcers!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
School Picture Day is tomorrow!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Today's Morning Announcers! Thanks for your help!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Morning Announcers
Fourth graders did the morning announcements this morning and it was a huge success! Thanks to our brave first pair who were voluntold that they were doing it. Great job! When was the last time you spoke to over 700 people at once?
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps School Picture Day is next week, October 2!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Title One Book Bingo Night--September 26 (This Thursday from 6-7 pm) This Thursday night, September 26, is Title I Book Bingo Night! Join us in the cafeteria from 6pm-7pm. Every child will leave with a new book. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase from the PAC. New this year: families will be called by table throughout the evening to visit the gym for face painting, movement breaks, and literacy activities! You don't want to miss it!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
FREE Phelps House T-Shirts--LAST CHANCE! Last chance to order house t-shirts for your child. These t-shirts are at no cost to you, but we need your child's t-shirt size by Wednesday, September 18 so that we can place the order for the whole school this week. We currently have 372 t-shirt sizes from families and need 650 for each student to have the correct size. Visit the link below to indicate your child's t-shirt size. The T shirts will have the House Crest on them and will be in the color of that house. Thank you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfSjecoFM016BHP08sou-IuJyYygQdbJItqKW_hBXaYjhPaEw/viewform
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Rockland Public Schools has its first early release day on Thursday, September 19, 2024. Phelps Elementary School will be dismissed at 10:45 am. Lunch will be sent home with your child if they order it.
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps Charity Volleyball Game--4th Grade Students w/Staff--Oct 9--6:30-7:30 pm The fourth grade students and Phelps staff members are raising money for charity and having fun at the same time. On October 9, 2024, we will be holding a volleyball game, with fourth grade students and staff members playing together, from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Phelps Gymnasium. To attend the game as a spectator (open to grade levels 1-4, or younger students), we are asking for $5 per person ($20 cap for a family) or a Food Pantry donation per person. All proceeds from the event will be split between Rockland Food Pantry and Holiday Magic. Additional donations of food items for Rockland Food Pantry will be gladly accepted! Concessions of candy and drinks will be available during the event. This is not a drop-off event, students must have a parent or guardian present to participate. Fourth graders will bring home a permission slip tomorrow, Tuesday, September 17. Please return this slip by September 20th. Be on the lookout for this form!
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
We have worked diligently to get all carline students into the building by our 7:30 start time. Due to the number of cars in the morning, we will open Phelps doors to carline and family walk-up families at 7:15 am. At that time, all students who have arrived by car or family walk-up will be directed into the cafeteria where they will be offered breakfast, or they can sit and socialize with friends and classmates. Students will be sent to their classrooms at 7:20 from there. REMINDER: Students should be entering Phelps Elementary School by 7:30 am. We are opening our doors 5 minutes early to achieve this goal. If you arrive later than 7:30, your child will be considered late for school.
4 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Crocs are certainly popular among adults and children. Students at Phelps go out to recess each day (unless the temperature is below 25 degrees, or there is inclement weather). Crocs make it hard for kids to navigate our playground outside and our stairs inside. If you choose to send your child to school in crocs, please be sure they wear them with the back strap (sport mode) for their safety. Thank you!
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
A pair of camouflage blue crocs over text that reads "A Note on Crocs."
Please be sure to sign up for Class Dojo with your child's classroom teacher. This will ensure you get all school and classroom information in a timely manner. Please note that if you send a message through Class Dojo or email, allow 24 hours for a response from any Phelps staff member. Our staff needs to be present with your children, teaching them and creating a strong classroom environment. They will not be texting during class time. If you have an issue/emergency that requires immediate assistance, please call the office to talk with our administration. Thank you!
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
FOURTH GRADE FAMILIES: If you are interested, please follow the link below for more information and to register: https://forms.gle/Tz9D6qDBngU4EV3a7
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps Chorus logo
NO SCHOOL MONDAY & TUESDAY: September 2 & 3 (Monday and Tuesday) of next week are NO SCHOOL days. We will be ready to start another wonderful week on Wednesday, September 4.
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps Logo
CARLINE FAMILIES: If you are a carline family, please be ready with your KidAccount Card and license at pick up. We have to scan many cards to make sure our students are dismissed safely. Thank you for being ready! There is NO ACCESS to the carline by the Reed Street Parking lot entrance. The Reed Street entrance is for staff and bus access during school hours. Please enter using Taunton Ave.
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps Logo
The Aspen Portal is now open for viewing your child’s homeroom and teacher name. Please refer to the Aspen X2 Guide for Families (https://www.rocklandschools.org/page/aspen-x2-guide-for-families) for answers to commonly asked questions (such as resetting your password, etc.). The link for Aspen is also included in the link above. Please email Melissa Humphrey at mhumphrey@rocklandschools.org if you have any questions/issues with your Aspen account.
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phelps Logo
Join us for Incoming Grade 1 and New Families Night here at Phelps tomorrow evening!
5 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Grade 1 & New Families Night
To read the August 2024 edition of Phenomenal Phelps Facts, click here: https://secure.smore.com/n/1xqv7
6 months ago, Chase "Mr. E" Eschauzier
Phenomenal Phelps Facts August 2024