There will be an early release day on Thursday, November 3rd. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Jefferson Picture Day is Friday, October 28th. Contact Jefferson's main office at 781-871-8400 with any questions. Say cheese, Bulldogs!

Thursday, October 20th is an early release day for Rockland Public Schools. Students in K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Mark your calendars for the Jefferson Fun Run fundraiser kicking off October 11th! All students will get to participate in running on October 20 to help raise money for our school. We are hoping to raise money so that we can offer events and activities for our last year together as a Jefferson School Community. Volunteers are needed; sign-up here!

On Monday, October 10th, Rockland Public Schools will be closed due to Columbus Day and Indigenous Peoples Day. Enjoy the long weekend!

Jefferson Book Bingo will be on Thursday, September 29th, from 6:30-7:30pm. All are encouraged to attend!

This Friday, Rockland High School and Middle School Student Governments are hosting a district-wide "Go Gold" Day. We are asking students and families in every Rockland Public School to participate in the District-wide "Go Gold" Day by wearing their "Go Gold" shirts and other gold attire to school to support research for childhood cancer. RMS and RHS will have students participating in the St. Jude's Walk on Saturday, September 24th.

Thursday, September 15th is an early release day for Rockland Public Schools. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

On Thursday, September 8th at 6:30pm, there will be an ELPAC meeting in the RMS/RHS Library Media Center. We look forward to seeing you there!

Welcome back, RPS! August/September breakfast and lunch menus are available by following the links below.
Elementary Breakfast Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ElementaryBreakfastMenu
Elementary Lunch Menu: https://tinyurl.com/ElementaryLunchMenu
See you tomorrow, Bulldogs!

Correction: The last day of kindergarten is Wednesday, June 15th. It is an early release day. Congratulations, kindergarten students and families- we will see you in the fall!

The Class of 2030 will be visiting RMS on Wednesday, June 8th. Student led tours will be given to the rising 5th graders.
Enjoy your visit, Class of 2030!

Thursday, June 2nd will be an early release day. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Thursday, May 19th will be an early release day. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

The Rockland Public Schools Arts Festival begins tonight! Please view the schedule below:
Wednesday, May 4th: Open Mic Night in the Blue Dog Café at 7PM
Thursday, May 5th: Grade 5-12 Band & Chorus Performances in the RHS Auditorium
Guests can enjoy K-12 artwork, face paintings, food trucks and stations, and STEM presentations on both evening.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, May 5th will be an early release day. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Math MCAS testing for grade 3 will be on Friday, May 6 and Monday, May 9. Math MCAS testing for grade 4 will be on Tuesday, May 10 and Wednesday, May 11.

April Break begins on Friday, April 15th! School will resume on Monday, April 25th. Have a safe, healthy, and restful break, RPS!

ELA MCAS testing begins next week. Grade 4 will test on April 11th & April 12th. Grade 3 will test on April 13th & 14th. Good luck, grades 3 & 4!

Jefferson families,
You are cordially invited to attend Candy Bar Bingo on Thursday, April 7th from 6-7pm!
We look forward to seeing you there!