There will be an early release day on Thursday, February 16th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Rockland Public Schools will be closed February 20th - February 24th for February break. Schools will reopen on Monday, February 27th. Enjoy the vacation, Rockland!

There will be an early release day on Thursday, February 2nd. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Students in grades 1-4 will be performing winter concerts this week! The schedule for the concerts is as follows:
Phelps: Tuesday, January 24th;
Jefferson: Wednesday, January 25th;
Esten: Thursday, January 26th.
Concerts begin at 6:30pm and will be held in the RMS/RHS Auditorium.

There will be an early release day on Thursday, January 19th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Rockland Public Schools will be closed on Monday, January 16th in honor of Martin Luther King Day. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 17th.

Kindergarten report cards will be available on Friday, January 13th.

Please join Rockland Public Schools at the ribbon cutting ceremony for Phelps Elementary School on Thursday, January 12th at 6pm. In addition to the ribbon cutting ceremony, tours of the Phelps Elementary School will be held. We look forward to seeing you there, Rockland!

There will be an early release day on Thursday, January 5th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

RPS will reopen on Tuesday, January 3rd. There will be an early release day on Thursday, January 5th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm, while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am. Grab and go lunches will be available for students.

Happy Holidays, Rockland! Rockland Public Schools will be closed Friday, December 23rd through Monday, January 2nd for the holiday break. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 3rd.

Holiday break begins this Friday, December 23rd and extends until January 2nd. Schools will reopen on Tuesday, January 3rd. Enjoy the break, RPS!

There will be an early release day on Thursday, December 15th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

An order form was sent home with each Jefferson School student for our Jefferson PAC Gift Card Fundraiser. This is a chance for you to purchase holiday gifts and give back to our school at the same time!
The order form includes the percentage of each gift card purchase that will go back to our school. Please return the order forms and check for total purchase made out to "Jefferson School PAC" to your child's teacher or drop it off at the main office by Monday, December 12. The gift cards will be available for pick-up at the Jefferson School Main Entrance on Friday, December 16 from 6:30-8:30 pm or on Tuesday, December 20 from 3:15-6:00 pm. Please email the PAC at jefferson.pac.rockland@gmail.com with any questions.

This weekend, Rockland Drama Club presents midsummer.com! Performances are on Friday, December 2nd at 7pm and Saturday, December 3rd at 7pm in the RHS Auditorium. Tickets are available at the door or at freshtix.com. Admissions rates are $10 for general admission and $6 dollars for students and seniors.
We look forward to seeing you there!

There will be an early release day on Thursday, December 1st. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

Rockland Public Schools will be closed Wednesday, November 23rd to Friday, November 25th for Thanksgiving break. Schools will reopen on Monday, November 28th. Enjoy the break, Bulldogs!

Elementary conferences will be held on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday, November 22. On both days, dismissal for elementary students will be at 12:00pm.

There will be an early release day on Thursday, November 17th. Grades K-4 will be dismissed at 12pm while grades 5-12 will be dismissed at 11:20am.

There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 8th, as it is Election Day.