Thursday, December 12 is an Early Release Day. Grades 1-4 are dismissed at 12:00PM. Grades 5-12 are dismissed at 12:30PM. Kindergarten is dismissed at 11:15PM.
December 7, 2019: The town of Rockland is holding a special election to vote on the elementary school building project. If you are a new community member, or haven't voted in Rockland before, the link below shows you where to vote and what precinct you are in based on your residential address.
Polls are open from 8AM - 8PM on Saturday, December 7.
The RPS Music Department is proud to announce the following schedules for our holiday performances! Please see below for the dates for the RHS/RMS combined performance, Grades 1-4, and Kindergarten shows.
Monday, December 2: There will be a special town meeting tonight to discuss the proposed elementary school building project. The meeting is at 7PM in the RHS Auditorium.
Happy Thanksgiving!
We would like to extend our warmest wishes to all of the students, families, and staff members of the RPS community. We are thankful for you everyday!
December 5, 6, & 7: RHS Theatre Department presents Marcus is Walking. Please join us! Tickets are $8 at the door, and $5 online. You can purchase tickets:
Rockland's Holiday Stroll is Saturday, November 30th!
RMS students featured for their fundraiser, Water for South Sudan!