From October 21st through October 25th, the RMS Student Government Council is hosting a spirit week for all students! We are excited to announce this year's themes (voted on by our RMS SGC members).
Monday, October 21: Heritage Day - wear anything that represents your heritage, culture or background.
Tuesday, October 22: Student-Teacher Swap Day - students dress like staff members, and staff members dress like students.
Wednesday, October 23: Comfy Cozy Jersey Day - dress in your most comfy clothes and wear a jersey to represent your favorite sport or hobby.
Thursday, October 24: Dress Your Age Day - each grade is assigned an "age" to dress as. 5th grade is babies. 6th grade is toddlers. 7th grade is adults. 8th grade is senior citizens.
Friday, October 25: Blackout Spirit for The Great Pumpkin Race Day - student wear all black (and add a little "pumpkin" orange) to add excitement to this annual tradition. RMS SGC will provide items for all students at a "spirit station" in the morning during breakfast in the cafe.
Need ideas on each spirit day? Check out these Google Slides.