The Title I staff at Phelps Elementary is excited about the 2024-2025 school year! Our school receives Title I funds through the federal, Every Student Succeeds Act. The goal of Title I is to help provide a higher quality education for every child in Rockland.
Rockland has chosen to use the funds to supplement literacy instruction through reading specialists and Title I Teachers. In addition, Title I funds are used for supplemental ELA resources to enhance the curriculum. The Title I teachers are Krissy Rocci, Kathleen Jenkins, and Donna Chaplin. They will be assisting students in a variety of ways with various programs and materials.
Our Title I funding also helps to increase parent and community involvement. Parents and guardians are instrumental in the life of a child. Your caring attitude and high expectations ensure a quality education for all our students. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Annual Title I Night/Book Bingo on Thursday, September 26, 2024.
In addition, Rockland Public Schools has developed a school-parent compact to show our commitment to partnering with families and students. The purpose of the compact is to explain how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improving academic achievement. We look forward to working together this year to help all Rockland students become productive, lifelong learners!
Kelsey Holbrook
Phelps Assistant Principal/Title I Director
Rockland Public Schools