Good afternoon, Families and Staff of the Rockland Public Schools -
This email is to remind you that tomorrow, Thursday the 15th, is a half day for all Rockland Public Schools. The middle and high school buildings will be closed to visitors from the 11:20 dismissal until 3:15. High school sports practices and home games are scheduled to begin after 3:15. The middle school has no after school activities tomorrow. All students should leave these buildings at dismissal.
The elementary schools will dismiss at 12:00. The after school program will still be offered for students who regularly participate at Esten, Jefferson, and Memorial Park. Daycare will continue to operate.
During this early dismissal, all RPS teachers and daytime support staff will be participating in important building safety training in partnership with members of the Rockland Police Department. Thank you for your support in providing this time for staff to review the best ways to maintain our safe community.
RPS Administration