Message from the Principal
Dear Esten Families:
March is National Reading Month! One of the most vital components of a child's education is learning to read. Reading is essential to everything we do in life. Children who are learning to read benefit from hearing books read to them. The scientific benefits of reading to children are that it can; improve language skills and vocabulary, develop imagination and creativity, increase knowledge of the world around us, and cultivate a lifelong love of reading.
In school, we not only teach children to read but share literature aloud daily. This opens up opportunities for discussion amongst the children and with staff, offering not only opportunities for comprehension but for sharing ideas and opinions and creating community.
We celebrate Read Across America on March 2nd every year. This is the birthday of one of the famous children's authors, Dr. Seuss. We ask guest readers to come into classrooms and pick their favorite stories to read to a class. On March 28th and 30th, we are hosting our annual "Breakfast with a Book". We invite students to come in before school (8:15-8:45) and share a book and a light breakfast with a family member (see dates and grade levels below).
Thank you to the Dunkin Donuts on Market Street for donating the donuts for this event!
Hope to see many of you then,
Marilyn Smith
March Teacher Conferences
This year we will be changing the format of our spring conferences. We will have our usual afternoon conferences times on March 23rd and 24th either virtually, by phone, or in person, but on the evening of March 23rd will be having more of an open house. We invite you to come into your child’s classroom and experience what takes place during an average day. During the 5:30-7:00 pm time slot, teachers will plan an abbreviated schedule that starts with a morning meeting and includes reading, writing, specialists, and math. Plan on starting and ending the day as your child would. If you’d like to bring them along so they can help explain what they are learning, please do so. No individual conferences will be held at this time.
We want this to be an informative, enjoyable experience for you and your child. Please arrive promptly at 5:30 pm.
This will not take the place of your afternoon conference.
You can sign up for your conference starting Monday, March 13th at: Just click on the teacher's name and complete the information. You will be taken to a page where you request the date and time for your child's conference.
If you prefer a virtual or phone conference click on the box that says special request and leave a note for your child's teacher.
4th Grade Parents
The PAC is looking for photos of your children and their school friends to put in the yearbook. If you have any please share them to this email address:
Someone Special Dance
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Nurses Notes
March 2023
Winter is showing up a little late but Spring is just around the corner.
Seasonal allergies will start soon. If your child requires medication, this is a good time to have it refilled and ready to be started. If they do not take medication but you know that they suffer from allergy symptoms, please send in a note to make us aware so that they will not be sent to the nurse’s office with runny noses and coughs. You can also give over the counter medication before school. I do not have allergy or cough and cold medicine in the nurse's office.
Please have your children dressed appropriately for the weather.
All students should have a coat coming to school, at recess and going home. We require the children to put on coats when leaving school, this becomes difficult when they don’t have one with them.
A copy of your children’s most recent physical form from the doctor needs to be on file at school, thank you to those who have done this already. You can send in a paper copy or email a copy to me and I will print it.
Hearing, vision, weight and height screenings will continue and letters will be sent home if any concerns are found.
Please send a couple of healthy snacks for your child each day.
Call the school when your child is absent. This is a safety measure. If your child does not come to school, we do not know if they are at home with you or didn’t get off the bus or if there was an accident on the way to school. That is why we call to ask you where they are if you have not called.
Take care,
Amy Kemp RN
Esten School Nurse
Students recognized in January for demonstrating Courage
February's Kindergarten Super Paws
Upcoming Dates to Remember
March 2nd - Read Across America - Early Release
March 16th Report Cards published - Early Release
March 20th Book Fair Begins
March 23rd & 24th Parent Conferences Early Release Days
March 28th Breakfast with a Book Grades K, 1 + 2
March 30th Breakfast with a Book Grades 3 + 4
English Language Arts
Grade 3 April 4th & 5th
Grade 4 April 10th and 11th
Grade 3 May 2nd and 3rd
Grade 4 May 8th and 9th